How to remove semi-permanent nail polish at home
Removing the semi-permanent nail polish on your own is not as complex as you imagine. It is not a very different operation from removing the classic nail polish, but it takes much longer.
What do we need?
A file, nail polish remover, makeup remover pads and aluminum foil .
Before starting it is good to remember to follow the instructions, not replacing the products, unless strictly specified and carrying out all the steps, with care, so as not to have to run to the beautician to repair the damage.
What do we need?
A file, nail polish remover, makeup remover pads and aluminum foil .
Before starting it is good to remember to follow the instructions, not replacing the products, unless strictly specified and carrying out all the steps, with care, so as not to have to run to the beautician to repair the damage.
- Let's start by using the nail file. We scratch off the shiny and superficial part of the nail polish , until it becomes dull. Be careful not to scratch excessively: we only have to remove the shiny part, not all the enamel!
- Let's get a solvent “remover” . It is a different product from the usual acetone, a specific product for semi-permanent nail polish, suitable for completely eliminating color and gel from the nails.
- We must now put the nail polish remover on . After having opacified them, we prepare compresses with cotton pads soaked in the special solvent. These pads should be applied to the nails so that they adhere completely. The disks placed on the nails must then be wrapped with aluminum foil. The whole thing must remain in place for about 15 minutes, according to the instructions on the solvent box.
- After the indicated time has elapsed, let's free the nails from the wraps: the color should be almost completely gone! To remove even the last residues, let's help ourselves with a cuticle pusher used gently or a stick of wood and remove any remaining pieces, softened by the solvent.